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忙碌的七月從今天開始....剛接待一位騎腳踏車環島,中文超好的義大利女生 他來做研究...有人認識陸配嗎?美濃這幫他問問

Posted by 你在美濃的家‧Meinong Hostel 背包客棧 on 2015年6月30日




Posted by 你在美濃的家‧Meinong Hostel 背包客棧 on 2015年7月1日


[旅人日誌] 有著熱情開朗的笑容, 有著摩羯座的堅持與毅力(哈 跟管家一樣), 她是義大利來的Lara, 是政大中文系的學生(強~老威說中文跟他差不多好~噗)經過短短的相處已擄獲DD和小D的心, 早餐後DD說~阿姨要不要去我們家...

Posted by 你在美濃的家‧Meinong Hostel 背包客棧 on 2015年7月2日


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Erica is part of our best experience in Taiwan. She provided one of the best service as a warm and smily host.
She made us feel at home very easily while showing us her cosy house. All the rooms are unpeccable on a cleaning level and nothing is missing.
There is still a nice soul living in this house as the family only recently moved out to get closer to town.
The situation is nice for those who are looking for a peaceful break. It was the heart of heaven when we woke up with the birds singing!
We highly recommend Erica's house as a great rest stop over as it provides a lot of comfort for recharging the batteries;)

We also loved the attention to the details and felt a warm and generous heart woman in Erica's personnality. We also appreciate her kindness as It is so great to be able to communicate in English. It was lovely to meet her Canadian husband Wilson who is teaching English in a private school.

Thanks again to the family for sharing.

Warm regards,


這對情侶非常好相處&健談,來台灣參加朋友婚禮後決定騎機車環島,從Airbnb上找到我們,到訂房email來回都非常迅速溝通無礙! 住宿當天還是從墾丁殺過來的~ 在言談中完全感覺不出疲倦和不耐....是非常棒的住客!

當晚他們樂意與當地人(還是會講英文的我們)聚聚,我們邀請了我們的法國朋友家庭和另一位加拿大人一起用餐! 大家都聊得非常愉快~ 接待旅人對我們來說也是相當新奇的經驗! 住宿"你在美濃的家"不僅豐富了旅人本身,相對的旅人也豐富了我們的生活!!! Love it!

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